What gets you excited? Do you look forward to Monday morning? Or perhaps is it Friday? What about the weekend? Maybe you’re excited about your next vacation? What part of it most excites you? How long does the excitement last? What about friends? Are you excited to meet them?
I ask this question today because of what I read about our forefather Abraham in this week’s Torah portion. We all know the story about how he leaves a spiritual encounter with G-d in order to offer his trademark gracious hospitality to strangers.
But what struck me most was his eagerness and alacrity with which he carries out his mission.
Let us remember that Abraham was a ninety nine year old man who is in the midst of recovering from surgery (he had just gone through circumcision). Yet as the narrative testifies this old man is full of vigor running from place to place so that he can produce a most sumptuous meal for people he has never before met.
Why does He not ask others to help? Why doesn’t He take his time? Under the circumstances this would be perfectly understandable. Yet no. Like a young child he is totally enthusiastic about this opportunity given to him to show genuine kindness. Kindness to strangers.
Yes, Abraham is excited. He is excited about helping others. No matter who they are. He is not concerned about what he receives in return. He is entirely focused on the kindness he is offering to others. His only concern is how they feel.
This is our forefather Abraham. The first Jew. The quintessential Jew. He is born be kind to others. He mission in life is to make this world a better place.
What’s more. He is excited in doing so.