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Humility = Collaboration = Liberation 

The Biblical story is both timeless and poignant. 

Simply put, it is the story of mankind in its attempt to overcome prejudice, hatred, and even envy. 

The entire book of Genesis is dominated by sibling rivalry. Each family tries to purge itself from the flaws of the previous generation.

Yet this powerful and destructive trait of envy continues to exert its firm grip on the emotions of the main characters. 

From the story of Joseph and his brothers, when an attempted murder of their brother ends up with him being sold into slavery, to the first set of siblings, when rivalry ends in murder. 

One can ask, will the cycle of hatred towards a brother ever end? What can be done to alter this endemic pattern?

The answer to this question is the secret behind the story of the greatest collaborative effort between brothers.

It is the story of Moses and Aaron.

For seven days Moses persistently refused God's desperate attempt to convince him to liberate the Jewish people from Egypt.

Moses is fully cognizant of the history of sibling rivalry that has plagued his forebears.

He is aware of what transpires when one brother is designated for a leadership position, particularly when they are younger. He is cognizant of the fact that it always ends in tears. 

But this time, the dynamics have changed.

Moses possessed a unique quality that profoundly altered the equation. Moses is characterized by his unique humility. He acknowledges his strengths and weaknesses. 

He does not feel superior to any human being. Either righteous or wicked. Jew or gentile. Any achievement of his comes only as a result of ability and circumstances, which he knows have been divinely gifted.

Perhaps someone else who was provided with the same opportunity would have achieved even more. 

It is only with this paradigm, which is enabled by genuine humility, that true collaboration can occur.

We are living in an age of unprecedented interconnection and interdependence. 

We have no choice but to collaborate. 

It is only through true collaboration that we will be liberated from all the destructive forces that have plagued our people over the millennia. 


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