Letting Your Inner Light Shine: The Key to Overcoming Fear and Anxiety
We live in a time where anxiety is everywhere. It comes naturally from the growing uncertainty in our daily lives. In response, we often become cautious, afraid, or even angry.
It’s easy to blame others, trying to push our negative feelings outward. But beneath these emotions lies a deeper problem—a condition that feeds the negativity within us.
Mystics describe this condition as darkness. Like a black hole, it pulls everything toward itself, leaving no room for anything else. Darkness consumes.
Light, on the other hand, is different. It shines outward, radiating from a source greater than itself. Light doesn’t take—it gives.
The same is true for us. When we focus only on ourselves, negativity fills our lives. Fear and anxiety grow when we put our own interests above the greater good.
But there is hope. Deep inside, we all have a pure, radiant light—a light that can dissolve darkness without effort. All we need to do is let it shine.
We can do this by radiating love and showing kindness to others. When we act with genuine care, without expecting anything in return, our inner light brightens the world around us.