Trust in G‑d: The Path to Victory Amid Crisis
The tragic news of the murder of five Jewish hostages earlier this week has sent shockwaves through the global Jewish community.
As protracted battles are waged against Israel on multiple fronts by enemies determined to see its destruction, with no clear strategy for victory, the Jewish people in Israel and around the world are facing an existential crisis.
This relentless assault, exacerbated by vicious and violent demonstrations in cities and on campuses worldwide, has heightened anxiety among Jews, regardless of their religious affiliation.
How should we respond to the current crisis?
This week’s Torah portion contains a brief verse that beautifully captures the essence of the relationship between man and G‑d: “You shall be wholehearted with your G‑d.”
Human beings naturally become anxious when facing an uncertain future. The more precarious the outlook and the less clarity we have, the greater the anxiety we feel.
The only true antidote is wholehearted trust in G‑d as the omnipotent power in this world. No force can “do either good or bad” without G‑d’s consent.
This complete trust in G‑d fosters a profound sense of calm in the face of uncertainty, knowing that He is in total control of everything. This trust naturally leads us to align our desires with His, and in turn, G‑d will align His will with ours.
The key to serenity in these challenging times is complete trust in our Father in Heaven, who has saved us from our enemies throughout the millennia.
Only this trust in G‑d can give us the strength and courage to achieve total victory.
Bigots and bullies thrive on the fear of their victims—but they weaken when their victims refuse to be afraid!
Yosef Vogel