Matot-Massei: Is Life The journey Or The Destination?
The history of the Jewish people is fascinating and intriguing, precisely because of their continual migration. Throughout the ages we have been compelled to leave our respective homes and travel to foreign lands.
Where would the Jewish people be today if we had remained in the land of Israel?
Einstein once said: “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving”. However, in order to keep moving, one needs direction.
Challenges are G-d's way of reminding us that we need to keep moving. If we are not constantly moving we are not truly living.
Setting targets in our personal and professional

lives are like destinations. They help challenge us to move beyond our comfort zones, thereby unleashing unrecognised potential.
Once we have achieved our targets the journey continues. One step closer to the ‘Promised Land.’
But what is the ultimate destination? And what are the methods by which we can reach that goal?
A profound insight on this subject is shared by the Chassidic Masters. They ask a question on the verse “The following are the journeys of the children of Israel by which they left the land of Egypt”.
Why does the verse use the plural form “journeys”, when it took only one journey to leave the “land of Egypt”?
They explain that every journey towards the Promised Land is achieved only by first liberating ourselves from “Egypt”, which in Hebrew means “narrow straits”. For it is only when we break through the forces which inhibit our natural inclination to grow, that we can be assured we are on the right path.
Today we are all being challenged in a momentous way. No doubt we have been endowed by G-d with the wisdom and courage to do what we inherently know is the right thing.
This is the opportunity of a lifetime to re-calibrate our lifestyles with the values which resonate with our inner conscience.
Not to be intimidated by popular cheap transient trends which are of no inherent value.
To choose the path aligned with the timeless journey of our people. No doubt this will lead us one step closer towards the promised land.